Watch Ms. Marian Vallotton’s presentation at the ITMIG annual conference, held in October 2023 in New York.
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Patient societies and groups cooperating with ITMIG
Here are some statistics about the Thymoma Support Group. This group has 2300 members from 94 countries! The highest populations are from the US, UK, AUS, Philippines & Canada, respectively. The group is split 74% woman & 26% men. Age ranges are 35-44 being the most followed by 45-54, 55-64, 25-34, 65+ and then 18-24.
There is also a Thymic Carcinoma group and an ITMIG Advocates group.
TUTOR is an active Italian patient organization established in 2017 to support for those having to cope with thymomas and thymic carcinomas.
- Creates a place where patients and their families can meet, understand, find one another, and share their experiences
- Promotes and spread knowledge and information regarding rare thoracic tumors, problems, and expertise centres
- Promotes the centrality and participation of patients to lead them to take a proactive and responsible role in disease management and decision-making processes (empowerment/engagement)
- Consolidates the relationship and collaboration with the clinical and scientific community involved in Rare Thoracic Tumors
- Promotes and support research on rare thoracic cancers
- Advocates for Rare Thoracic Tumor patients in Italy and in Europe
ThymicUK is a registered charity established by patients with thymic cancers, their carers, families and friends. Our purposes are to provide support, advocate and share information, facilitate research and ultimately to improve the treatments available for these rare cancers in the United Kingdom. Through these endeavours ThymicUK hopes to increase the overall survival and quality of life of patients with thymic cancers.
The Thymic Ghana patient group in Ghana started in 2023 with one of the core objectives being creating awareness to the public and also creating an eco system where people interested in this medical condition can convene. Thymic disorders are very rare medical condition and liaising with International Affiliate like the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group to also share the latest research with patience and health personal in Ghana. In the future we hope to deepen our activities and create more awareness of the disease by supporting patients in Ghana
Nowotwory grasicy. Grupa thymoma PL is a patient support group in Poland. The group was founded in 2023 and is growing rapidly.
Thymic carcinomas, thymomas and thymic neuroendocrine tumors are very rare cancers. It is hard to find a group or information about this cancer in Polish. That’s why this group was created for patients with this cancer. Everyone can share their case and treatment here. It may help other patients!
Nowotwory grasicy. Grupa thymoma PL to grupa wsparcia dla pacjentów w Polsce. Grupa powstała w 2023 roku i szybko się rozrasta.
Raki grasicy, grasiczaki i guzy neuroendokrynne grasicy to bardzo rzadkie nowotwory. Ciężko znaleźć grupę czy informacje na temat tego nowotworu w języku polskim. Dlatego powstała ta grupa dla pacjentów z tym nowotworem. Każdy może się tu dzielić swoim przypadkiem i leczeniem. Może to pomóc innym pacjentom!