16 February 2021

We are looking for neurologists!

ITMIG is an international platform of thymic malignancies. Thymic malignancies are associated with paraneoplastic/autoimmune syndromes. MYASTHENIA GRAVIS is the most common syndrome associated with thymic malignancies.

Neurologists treating myasthenia gravis and experienced in the diagnosis and management of myasthenia gravis are expected to be one of the four pillars of our society. A group of experienced and enthusiastic Myasthenia Gravis neurologists are expected to contribute in the development of a document:

Follow up of Myasthenia Gravis patients

in the era of COVİD-19 and post-COVİD-19

with telemedicine

ITMIG is looking for experienced and enthusiastic neurologists to take role in the production of this document.
If you are a neurologist interested in joining the project, please, contact: Pam Bruce

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