ITMIG Webinars 2020


Diagnosis and Treatment of Thymic Epithelial Tumors

Thank you for attending our webinars in 2020!


*Recordings are available for ITMIG regular members only

Webinar 1.: TUMOR BOARD – true-life cases

October 15, 2020

1. Case presentation (clinical history, radiology, pathology)

Presenter: Marcin Zielinski

Experts: Conrad Falkson, Edith Marom, Anja Roden, Frank Detterbeck, Arun Rajan, Paul van Schil


MODERATORS: Pam Bruce, Samantha Sigurdson

2. Case presentation (clinical history, radiology, pathology)

Presenter: Andrea Bille

Experts: Conrad Falkson, Edith Marom, Anja Roden, Frank Detterbeck, Arun Rajan, Paul van Schil


MODERATORS: Pam Bruce, Samantha Sigurdson

Webinar 2.: Surgical-Pathological-Oncological Dictionary

October 20, 2020

1. Handling a resection specimen of a thymic tumor – what must pathologist know from surgeon to help oncologist in therapeutic decision

Speaker: Anja Roden

2. Issues for Surgeons and Pathologists

Speaker: Frank Detterbeck

3. What do I look for in a pathology report of a resected thymic tumor or thymic cancer biopsy?

Speaker: Arun Rajan

4. Invasion of the mediastinal pleura, lung and pericardium in TNM classification – more questions than answers 

Speaker: Thierry Molina



Webinar 3.: Myasthenia gravis in thymoma patients

October 29, 2020

1. MG and thymoma – VATS, RATS or more extensive surgery? 

– VATS/RATS are the best!

Speaker: Alper Toker

2. MG and thymoma – VATS, RATS or more extensive surgery?

– Extensive surgery is the most effective!

Speaker: Paul van Schil

3. MG: Follow-up after thymectomy

Speaker: Maria Isabel Leite


MODERATOR: Frank Detterbeck

Webinar 4.: Imaging of thymic lesions: indications and limitations

November 3, 2020

1. MRI limitations or errors in interpretation

Speaker: Constantine Raptis

2. FDG PET-CT – how do I use it? How does it really help me – the surgeon’s view

Speaker: Joshua Sonett

3. When CT and when MRI?

Speaker: Sanjeev Bhalla


MODERATOR: Edith Marom

Webinar 5.: Neoadjuvant therapy in thymic epithelial tumors

November 10, 2020

1. Radiation therapy

Speaker: Conrad Falkson

2. Chemotherapy – what’s the best to use?

Speaker: Nicolas Girard

3. Surgery: why do I like the neoadjuvant and why I do not? 

Speaker: Pier Luigi Filosso

4. Pathology: Why does the pathologist need to know that neoadjuvant therapy was given? Challenges of assessment of post-neoadjuvant specimens. 

 Speaker: Malgorzata Szolkowska


MODERATORS: Andrea Bille, Anja Roden

Webinar 6.: Thymic tumor with pleural dissemination

December 17, 2020

1. Stable pleural metastases – how long do I watch? What does trigger the action? What if only one grows?

Speaker: Jim Huang

2. Intrapleural heated chemotherapy at time of thymectomy

Speaker: Alon Ben Nun

3. Hemithoracic pleural radiotherapy

Speaker: Andreas Rimner


MODERATOR: Paul van Schil


Webinar Committee


Main organizers: 

Malgorzata Szolkowska – pathologist, National Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland

Pam Bruce, Executive Director of ITMIG, New York, USA

Edith Marom – diagnostic radiologist, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Ramat Gan, Israel


Our webinars could not appear without help of the following experts:

(in alphabetical order)

Andrea Bille – thoracic surgeon, Guy’s Hospital and Kings College University, London, UK

Katarzyna Blasinska – diagnostic radiologist, Department of Radiology, National Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland

Frank Detterbeck – thoracic surgeon, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA

Conrad Falkson – radiation oncologist, Queen’s University and Kingston Health Sciences Center, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Nicolas Girard – medical oncologist, Institut Curie, Paris, France

Maria Isabel Leite – neurologist, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK

Arun Rajan – medical oncologist, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (NCI/NIH), Bethesda, USA

Andreas Rimner – radiation oncologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA

Anja Roden – pathologist, Mayo Clinic Rochester, Rochester, MN, USA

Paul van Schil – thoracic surgeon, Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem (Antwerp), Belgium

Philipp Ströbel – pathologist, Institute of Pathology, Medical University Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

Last update December 2020